Having Trouble Sleeping at Night?

Next to regular exercise and a proper diet, a good night's sleep is essential to living a strong and healthy lifestyle.

Poor sleep, even one night, can have an immediate effect on your hormones. Hormones that can negatively effect brain function, weight management, and athletic performance. Prolonged poor sleep can have dire results on your health including diabetes, heart problems, and more.

On the other hand, good sleep can lead to an abundance of health benefits including: a strong immune system, reduced stress, a better mood, increased cognitive function, weight loss, and less risk of other serious health problems.

Sleeping Disorders

When trying to solve your sleeping problems, the first thing you need to determine is whether you have a medical disorder. Sleep disorders come in a variety of medical conditions, but they all negatively affect the quality of your sleep. They can be temporary, like jet lag after air travel, or non-temporary, like narcolepsy, chronic daytime drowsiness.

Sleep disorders are changes in your sleeping patterns that negatively affect your health, and can include:

  • Abnormal sleep disorder
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Circadian rhythm disorder
  • Hypersomnia
  • Insomnia
  • Isolated sleep paralysis
  • Jet lag
  • Narcolepsy
  • Night terrors
  • REM disorder
  • Restless leg syndrome
  • Sleepwalking
  • Sleep apnea

If you are experience severe sleep problems, you need to seek out the help of a medical doctor or sleep specialist to determine if you have a medical disorder or just bad sleep habits. If you sleep problems are due to bad habits, there are a wide variety of products, tips, and practices that can help.

Products for Sleeping at Night

Peace River Botanicals.

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  • Serene Sleep CBD Oil
  • Kratom Powder
  • CBD Hemp

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Tips for Sleeping at Night

In addition to products, there are number of habits that you should practice, as well as some you should avoid, to get a better night's sleep.

Consistent Bedtime

While it's one of the most important things you can do, it's not always possible for everyone, especially people with odd work hours; however, whenever possible maintain the same sleep schedule seven days a week. Don't adjust your sleeping hours for the weekend - especially if you have trouble sleeping regular, healthy hours throughout the week.

Bonus #1: Whether you can create a consistent bedtime or not, and especially if you can't, everyone should be able to at least create a bedtime routine. Drink CBD tea 90 minutes before bed, perhaps in a bath. Shut off the TV, computer, or phone 60 minutes before bed. Read a book while diffusing lavender oil.

Create a Sleep Haven

Next to a consistent bedtime this is another tip that can make drastic improvements to your sleep right away. The point of your bedroom should be to sleep! Remove the TV and other distractions. Make sure it's dark (blackout dark) if necessary. You want a comfortable, quiet, and dark environment. Set a comfortable temperature and remove any extraneous noise. Sleep to music or white noise? Put it on a timer. Artificial lights from televisions, electronics, and alarm clocks can prevent your from falling asleep as well as make it harder to fall back to sleep if you wake up during the night.

A lot of people toss and turn at night, even without noticing it. Waking to a deathly silent, completely dark room will improve your chances of falling right back to sleep. While the green glow of a charging phone may bring you farther up out of your current sleep cycle. Relax, unwind, and clear your mind.

Reduce Blue Light Exposure Before Bed

The blue light from electronic devices - televisions, mobile phones, computer screens, etc. - keep the brain active. Stop using these devices 30 to 60 minutes before bed.

Exercise Regularly

Studies show that people who exercise on a regular, daily basis get better sleep than those who don't. Unless that exercise is at night, particularly close to bed time. The increase in adrenaline can actually keep you awake. Exercise when the sun is out (#3) and you can knockout two good habits at once!

Get Plenty of Sunshine

In addition to limiting your exposure to blue light, you want to increase your exposure to sunlight. People who get enough sun also tend to get enough sleep.

Don't Drink or Eat Before Bed

Stop drinking liquids - that's any liquids - at least an hour before bed so you don't have to wake up in the middle of the night to relieve yourself. This also means you need to drink plenty of water during the day to stay hydrated and be hydrated through your sleep. You're just looking to avoid a full bladder that disrupts your sleep.

A late night snack, especially a high sugar snack, can also effect your sleep. Ideally your last meal of the day would be 3 to 4 hours before bedtime.

Bonus #1: Don't consume caffeine after your midday. Caffeine can stay in your system for 6 to 8 hours, so stop drinking it 6 to 8 hours before your bedtime.

Bonus #2: Don't become overly reliant on non-natural sleeping aids - sleeping pills as well as melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone your body should naturally produce, and if it's not you need to find out why - your diet may be to blame. Melatonin as a supplement should really only be a temporary measure. Prolonged use may actually inhibit your natural melatonin production. Try Valerian root, lavender, Epsom salts, and other natural remedies.

Don't Nap

If you have trouble sleeping a full 7 to 8 hours (or more) and you're taking a midday nap - eliminate the midday nap! If you feel the nap is necessary (due to tiredness and fatigue) you need to address your midday fatigue, which could be something in your diet.